Parcours en vélo électrique à travers la forêt d'Iraty

  • by bike : 2h - Difficulty Easy
  • Distance : 13km
  • Vertical rise : 320m
  • Public : Tous publics
Nice route that allows to have beautiful views on the basque mountains and peak Orhi. The climb on asphalt is very quickly forgotten by the great landscapes crossed. Just then to slide into the forest on large tracks very pleasant. In Bouricleta (electric bike), it really is luxury!
  • Step 1 :

    Leherra Murkhuillako Lepoa Home (30 T 660076 4766767) alt. 1328 m. take the road passes behind the home. Follow this road constantly. Doo not hesitate to stop to visit the nearby ridge. Beautiful panoramas.
  • Step 2 :

    Track From the Murkhuillako Pass (30T 658958 4763878) alt.1528 m. In this pass, take the paved track to the right (SO). Continue on the crest of Hurhargieta. Above cayolar (sheperd’s house) of Uturxarra, leave the paved trail and turn right the track.
  • Step 3 :

    Crossing tracks From the track (30 T 658011 4763684) alt. 1474 m. Borrow this track that plunges into the forest. Go down from the Buricleta when it is stiff.
  • Step 4 :

    Petrilarre Crossing tracks (30 T 657778 4763752) Take one going to the right (E) flat.
  • Step 5 :

    Return to the beginning From Petrilarre (30 T 658038 4765767) alt. 1385 m. Follow the main trail on the right (NE). Arrived on the road, take it down to the start.
Don't miss
  • Location chalet Pays Basque montagne Orhy Iraty
    Forêt d'Iraty et pic d'Orhy (Panorama)

    Superbe vue sur la ligne de crête et le pic d'Orhy (2017 m) qui domine le panorama.

Points to note / Informations :

Cet itinéraire de randonnée est sur une zone pastorale, merci de prendre connaissance des bons gestes à adopter.

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