thermal baths cambo les bains

All our tips for exploring our territory

Your practical guide to Cambo-les-Bains

To help you discover our charming spa, here’s all the practical information you need to know.

Photo of the Route des Cîmes Cambo-les-Bains in the Basque Country

Coming to Cambo-les-Bains

All the practical information you need to reach our charming village.

Panoramic view of Cambo-les-Bains in the Basque Country
Alex Gaztelumendi

Getting to and from Cambo-les-Bains

Let us guide you around the Basque Country by public transport.

Photo of Cambo-les-Bains market in the Basque Country
Ot Cambo

Shops and services in Cambo-les-Bains

Eat locally and take advantage of the town’s wide range of shops and services.

FAQ Pont des Thermes de Cambo-les-Bains in the Basque Country

Frequently asked questions

Find all the answers to your questions about your cure in Cambo.

Image publicité de Bipia, conserverie artisanale de condiments à base de piments d'Espelette