In October 1998, a handful of singing enthusiasts gathered at the foot of the Ursuya in Hasparren's Urcuray district to form the Mendi Xola choir. They set about learning 4-voice polyphonic songs.
A challenge for all those men and women who love singing but have no musical training.
In the years that followed, the group performed locally, with a repertoire essentially made up of Basque songs.
A challenge for all those men and women who love singing but have no musical training.
In the years that followed, the group performed locally, with a repertoire essentially made up of Basque songs.
Musique traditionnelle
Opening- Le vendredi 30 août , à 20h45
GPS location
Latitude : 43.3628
Longitude : -1.40302
Longitude : -1.40302
Marché à la brocante
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