The theatrical stroll, directed by the actors of the Irrinigar Company, takes you on a discovery of the poetic universe of Cyrano in the very place where his author lived
From the "Tirade du nez" in the Great Hall to the scene of "Roxane's Kiss" on the Balcony of the Terrace, we discover that Rostand conceived Arnaga as a theater set
For the whole family
Limited number of seats. Reservations required.
Please arrive half an hour before the start of the performance.
From the "Tirade du nez" in the Great Hall to the scene of "Roxane's Kiss" on the Balcony of the Terrace, we discover that Rostand conceived Arnaga as a theater set
For the whole family
Limited number of seats. Reservations required.
Please arrive half an hour before the start of the performance.
Patrimoine culturel
Opening- Le vendredi 23 août , de 10h30 à 11h20 et de 11h30 à 12h20
GPS location
Latitude : 43.3669
Longitude : -1.41605
Longitude : -1.41605
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